tomorrow has a dialect of its own


come, let us go,
let us leave this place, this acrid empty place
ravenous moonscape, this Mojave, this Sahara,
this Death Valley with its wheels within wheels of dust,
which gives up hollow papery carcasses
as a token of its love. we can only be lost here.
there are no maps for this wandering unmarked trail.
we can only walk in wavering spirals,
covering and uncovering our own footprints.

hold my hand, my wrist, the hem of my shirt,
even though I can't lead us, I will lead us,
by the nape of my neck, by the way the sky unfurls
and the clouds twist in the wind, by the compass of straw
I hold here in my hand, by elocution, by echolocation
by calling and recalling our names against the night,
by the hard glint of stars, by the sheets of darkness,
by the sextant I can make with my fingers.

it doesn't matter really how we'll escape, we'll escape,
we'll unveil our eyes and see clearly,
read the runes on the palms of our hands,
we'll blossom propellers from our shoulder blades,
fall beneath the earth and follow the secret rivers,
sail a ship through the sand, we'll escape from here

build monuments from paper mache and yarn,
cannonade abandoned buildings with a fusillade of of seeds
tear down all your idols and bury them nameless
we will preach sermons to the wind, write our fables with a finger in the dirt
unfetter the wonderous and leave caution dangling in the breeze,
circumscribe a circle around the circumspect never to enter again,
and plant a forest of saplings upside down, 
so their leaves anchor the earth
and their tangled roots web the sky

we will do what our hands find to do
and we will do it with all our might.


11/17/2008 02:18:00 AM

July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009


Fred (premature academic)
Dalia (not afraid of nothing)
Drew (sub-creator)
Ryan (tangling futures)
Daisy (tap the sun)
Matt (two-line king)
Nick (rats and wreckage)
